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Church Blog

Settling the Score

Revenge, retaliation, to avenge, to get even – these are all synonyms for settling the score with someone who did us wrong. And pay-back can be sweet, can’t it? Often it’s not a matter of getting even when we’ve been hurt or mistreated, in our anger and pain we want to get ahead. One wonders how many marriages have been devastated, how many families have been divided and how many friendships have been broken because someone felt they had a…

Heart-Felt Religion

Religion that is not heart-felt is no religion at all! To those who might feel compelled to offer criticism by suggesting that members of the church do not believe in heart-felt religion, please be reminded of these simple truths from God. The Necessity of Heart-Felt Religion Do the words of the inspired, Solomon, come to mind? He would write, “…for as he thinks in his heart, so it he,” Proverbs 23:7. Jesus would make it clear that all that we…

How to Help a Friend Get Better Into the Bible & Maybe Yourself Too! (Part 2)

In last week’s bulletin, we noted 5 ways to approach the word of God. Here’s 5 more. 6. Approach the Bible Studiously. Think of Bible study as digging for gold, diving for pearls and as excavating for the purpose of building one’s life. A great relationship with the Lord does not occur without gaining skill in the ability to handle God’s word. It’s all about being “approved” by God or our being “ashamed.” 2 Timothy 2:15 says, “Do your best…

How to Help a Friend Get Better Into the Bible & Maybe Yourself Too!

Recently I was asked by a godly shepherd how to encourage someone to really learn to love and get into Scripture. Here’s the first part of the response, given in the hope that it may help someone else too. 1. Approach the Bible God-Centeredly. The Bible is a book from God, about God and the relationship He wants to have from you. If the Bible really is from God, shouldn’t it deserve our thoughtful attention to its message? Shouldn’t we…