

Why a Marriage Seminar?

A few years back, our shepherds suggested Cherie and I do a Marriage Seminar here at Westside. Westside hasn’t had one in quite a while. If memory serves properly, John and Carla Moore conducted our last one about 6 years ago. Cherie and I last did one at Westside 13 years ago. Admittedly we are older now, but we hope we won’t be too out of touch, out of date or out of sharing our amazement of what God-centered marriage…

Showers of Blessings

Showers of Blessings – That’s the theme of our Gospel Meeting with John Gooch beginning on Sunday. And the theme really does say a lot about what our Gospel Meeting on October 6-9 holds for us. I did some study of rain in the Bible and the expression “Showers of Blessings” took on even greater meaning. When Paul and Barnabas were at Lystra they taught about God saying, “Yet He did not leave himself without witness, for He did good…

The Power of an Invitation

The Gospel is God’s power to save – Romans 1:16. The power to save is in the message, not in the messenger. We have an opportunity to invite friends, neighbors, and loved ones to hear the message of God’s word every week when we gather to worship. However, a special opportunity to hear the word of God proclaimed two weeks from now with our special sermon series on the topic of “Showers of Blessings.” It is a message that the…

Three Gardens

As we enter into the Fall of the year, most gardens are past the producing stage. However, before the chill sets in, consider three gardens worth the attention of God’s people found in Scripture. The Garden of Eden (Garden of temptation) This is described as a place of incredible beauty (Genesis 2:8-17). This garden had every tree in it, the bible says, that is pleasant to the eye- very beautiful colors and scenery. It also supplied every need of the…

What Does Our Gospel Meeting Mean To You?

Our gospel meeting with John Gooch will be here in less than a month! (October 6-9). It appears that some believe gospel meetings serve no real purpose today. Perhaps it isn’t wise to do away with these special efforts so hastily. Could it possibly be that the lack of support for gospel meetings and other outreach efforts says more about our misplaced priorities than we would like to admit? While not trying to put anybody on a “guilt-trip” that may…

The Love Chapter for Mothers

Note from Mike: I shared this in last Sunday’s Bible Class on 1 Corinthians 13. A good number in class asked for a copy, and it’s placed in this week’s bulletin as a thoughtful reminder what a blessing loving, godly mothers really are. If I talk to my children about what is right and what is wrong, but have not love, I am like a ringing doorbell or pots banging in the kitchen. And though I know what stages my…

For the Joy

In one of the more familiar chapters of the Bible, Hebrews 11, the writer has just spoken of the faith of many individuals in the Old Testament. The ones mentioned are the example that we should be following – we are surrounded by their examples of faithfulness and this is what will lead us on to victory. They moved with godly fear – believed in and trusted God – and were obedient to His will. Then, we move into Hebrews…

Stress and Young People

Although there is some disagreement among experts as to precisely why, there is an abundance of evidence which indicates young people are experiencing a seemingly unprecedented level of stress. Psychologist Daniel Keating noted: “Depression, anxiety and feeling overwhelmed are not all the same thing, but they do share a common feature: experiencing a level of stress that is beyond an ability to cope, with a negative impact on health and on the ability to function well in many situations” (Keating,…

What is the Gospel?

It’s very important to understand the rich, deep nature of the gospel. Here’s 10 basic components of the gospel according to Scripture 1. The Gospel is an Announcement. The God of Heaven wants to Have a Relationship with Every Human Being (Luke 2:9-14; 1Timothy 2:4). 2. The Gospel is a Person – Jesus Christ. He is the long-awaited Anointed One, King and Savior (Matthew 1:18-25). 3. The Gospel is a Divine Plan / Mission To Save (Ephesians 3:9-11; 2 Timothy…

A Picture of the Christian Life

Paul said the Christians in Thessalonica had a faith that was spoken of in every place. Everywhere he went, people were talking about the faith of the Christians in Thessalonica. Wouldn’t it be something if we had a faith that people talked about in such positive light? What was it that had everyone talking about their faith? There are three qualities that Paul brings out about them that had everyone talking and it gives us a beautiful picture of a…

A Very Big Decision

I was about to make the biggest decision of my life. It was a Monday. It was sunny and I was in school. I was hard at work and it was 1:30. I knew my parents would be coming to pick me up at 1:30. They did come and we went to pick up the preacher who was coming to baptize my dad. It was about a 40 minute drive to Milwaukee. It was not that bad of a drive.…

What’s Overlooked in Selecting Overseers?

Just a few days before our shepherd selection began here, I asked 8 men with a collective 320 years of preaching and teaching experience the following question: “What is the most overlooked thing in an elder selection process in a congregation?” It was amazing, that to a man, they said this was a question they had rarely or never been asked! It also was interesting how rapidly each responded as well as the depth of wisdom and insight in their…