10 Signs of a Growing Church

10 Signs of a Growing Church

Growing churches have elders who are spiritual men of wisdom, knowledge and vision, and who are deeply interested in the souls they are shepherding (1Thess. 5:12-13: 1Tim. 3:1-7). 

Growing churches have deacons who believe in servanthood, and who rejoice for the privilege that is theirs to work in special ways to God’s glory (1Tim. 3:8-13). Such deacons “kick up” dust by hastening to serve; they don’t “collect” it by being still! 

Growing churches have preaching that exalts Jesus Christ and His word, that proclaims the “whole counsel of God,” and that encourages and challenges, in a bold but loving way, everyone to draw nearer to God (2 Tim. 4:2-4; Acts 20:27; Eph. 4:15). 

Growing churches have an educational program that stimulates all to know more of God’s word and to better apply its truth (2 Pet. 3:18; Eph 4:12). 

Growing churches regard worship as a privilege rather than a chore. The singing is enthusiastic, the Lord’s Supper is thoughtfully observed, prayers are humbly and lovingly offered and brethren give generously as they have been prospered. People bring their Bibles to follow along during the sermon because they desire better to know God and His will for their lives (John 4:24; Ps 116:12; Eph. 5:19; James 5:16; 1Cor. 16:1-2). 

Growing churches make the guest feel at home. Others can readily see the unity, warmth, and love that exists within the congregation (Rom. 12:10; John 13:34-35). The church is seen as a wonderful family where one can really belong. Cold churches are like cold butter—they don’t spread. 

Growing churches make a diligent effort to teach the lost and to restore the fallen. Visitation, Bible studies and outreach are constant (Acts 5:42; Gal. 6:1-2). The priesthood of all believers (1Peter 2:5-9) and every member ministry are emphasized. 

Growing churches keep up with their missionaries by writing them letters, sending them literature and encouraging them in their work (Phil 4:14-20; 1 Cor. 3:9). Growing churches truly perceive the work they do in missions as “their” work. We work with others in a close way to bring souls nearer to Christ. 

Growing churches respond to goals and challenges because every member is focused on glorifying Christ (1Cor. 10:31; Col. 3:17). A spirit of optimism and generosity abounds because of the goodness of God. Our God does “exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think” (Eph. 3:20). 

Growing churches exhibit the mind of Christ – they are humble, serving, loving and obedient to the Father (Phil. 2:5-11). It does not take others long to realize that members have indeed been with Jesus (cf. Acts 4:13). 

Does this sound like the congregation of which YOU are a part? Let’s all work together to help this congregation grow even more! 

Mike Vestal 


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