A Very Big Decision

A Very Big Decision

I was about to make the biggest decision of my life. It was a Monday. It was sunny and I was in school. I was hard at work and it was 1:30. I knew my parents would be coming to pick me up at 1:30. They did come and we went to pick up the preacher who was coming to baptize my dad. It was about a 40 minute drive to Milwaukee. It was not that bad of a drive.

We picked up the preacher in Milwaukee. I let him to listen to my favorite musician at the time, Matt Maher, and he said he liked the music. Time in the car went by so fast because it was so much fun talking and listening to the music and stuff like that. I was so excited for him to be there. I was excited for the next few days of him being with us. I could not wait to be home and start hanging out.

When we got home we showed him around the house, and my dog gave him a welcome by going potty on his shoe! I showed him my room. My dad showed him his man cave, and then we showed him the guest bedroom where he would be sleeping. I was sitting on a red chair as the preacher talked to my dad and me about Jesus, the Bible and salvation. We talked about how baptism is a death, a burial and a being reborn to a new life with Christ. We talked about how a person’s sins are taken away then because of Jesus. We went to the place where my dad was to be baptized.

We walked into the country club. They had a swimming pool there. We walked to the locker room to get changed. And then we walked to the pool where my dad was going to be baptized. We needed some towels, so my mom went to get them. My dad had been talking with me about all the things the preacher and Mr. David had been studying with him about. When we got into the water, it was so cold! I was a little scared.

The preacher talked to my dad for a little while, and then baptized him. Then my dad turned around to get ready to baptize me. We had talked about it a lot. I really wanted to do it, but admit I was kind of scared. Before baptizing me, they asked me “Do you believe that Jesus is the Son of God?” and “Why do you want to be baptized?” I answered. Then my dad baptized me. I was only underwater for like two seconds, if that, but my whole body went under the water. It was not as scary as I thought it would be.

It really was more awesome than scary because Jesus took away my sins and I became a new person. This was a real baptism, not like the first one where I just got some water poured on my head when I was a baby. Jesus made me new, and my life will never, never be the same again!

-Brady Eddelman, age 12. Lake Geneva, Wisconsin


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