Church Blog (Page 13)

Church Blog (Page 13)

Three Options

Don’t we all enjoy relationships? We have so many different relationships, no matter who we are in this life. In Romans 12, Paul addresses various relationships and responsibilities of the individuals involved in each one. As you look through the chapter, here is a simple break-down for your study and consideration: 1. Relationship with God (12:1-2) 2. Relationship to the talents given to us individually by God (12:3-8) 3. Relationship with other Christians (12:9-16) 4. Relationship with Non-Christians (12:17-21) Give…

Commitment 101

But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere (2 Corinthians 2:14) Few things in life are more needed in life than an appropriate sense of commitment. During times of discouragement and difficulty, how we need to focus on the priority, importance and place of commitment to Christ. Few passages explain the nature of commitment better than Paul’s words through the Holy Spirit…

Trusting Our Shepherd

So many people these days seem overwhelmed by fear, worry and anxiety. Everything seems so uncertain. Not even Christians are immune to feeling the strain of things. It’s amazing how David so long ago described life in Psalm 23. The Psalmist utilizes concepts like want (“I shall not want” due to my Shepherd ), weariness, hunger and thirst (The Lord provides “green pastures” and “still waters”), wandering (He “restores my soul”), journeying (“He leads me”), valleys (He’s with me even…
Online news, journalism concept.

A Very Important (and Happy) Announcement!

After much thought and prayer, our shepherds announced last Sunday (August 30) that we all will begin meeting together again this coming Sunday (September 6). In other words, there will no longer be separate services for those older and more “at-risk” and those who are younger. There will be 2 services on the Lord’s day – 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM – but both are for people of all ages. Our shepherds suggest during these services that those who are…

Let Us Not Lose Heart

It’s a great phrase, isn’t it? Let us not lose heart – consider it for a moment. There are six times in the New Testament where the admonishment is to not lost heart. In these six verses, we have God’s prescription for the blues. How does God prescribe picking ourselves up when feeling down and out? Please give some thought to each one on these passages. Pray always (Luke 18:1). If you turn to the passage, you will find these…
Cropped View of Woman Praying Near Holy Bible in Dark

Prayer – Moving Forward on Our Knees 

Surely the best way to move forward during difficult days is on our knees! One of the greatest blessings on earth for Christians is to be able to communicate with the God of heaven in prayer. There’s mercy and grace to be found at the throne of God (Heb. 4:14-16; 1 John 5:14-15). This coming Sunday (August 23), both of our services will especially be emphasizing prayer. Individually and congregationally, Christians ought to be known as people of prayer (Acts…
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Greater Than We Ever Imagined 

And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34).  Surely the soldiers responsible for carrying out the Crucifixion of Jesus that day had never heard words like these before. They were probably accustomed to hearing curse words, protests of innocence and screams of agony but not words like these. Just after the nails had been placed in His hands and feet and as the Cross is placed in the ground, Jesus finally speaks.  Look…
Aconcagua in clouds

How Beautiful Heaven Must Be 

It is a song that has brought smiles to the faces of singers for years – exactly 100 years to be more precise. The song was written in 1920 by Mrs. A.S. Bridgewater and it is titled, “How Beautiful Heaven Must Be.” Do you recall the first words of the first verse and chorus?  We read of a place that’s called heaven, It’s made for the pure and the free; These truths in God’s word He has given, How beautiful…
High angle view of senior friends holding hands while sitting on chair

The Life of Joseph

The life of Joseph has always been one that stands out to most who have done any study of the Old Testament. He was the favorite in many respects of his father and the source of much jealousy from his brothers. They sold him at a young age to traders headed for Egypt and it was in that foreign land he would spend the rest of his days. His life was a bit like a good roller coaster, several peaks…
Book and autumn leaves

Remember Not to Forget 

It is astounding how many people God will use to bless us in an incredible number of ways during a lifetime. The people who bless us seem to be remarkably diverse – they have different backgrounds, personalities, gifts, and are different ages. They have different skin tones and appearances. What they all have in common is that they blessed us at some point in our lives. Whether in great or small ways, these people invested in us, and our lives…
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What Those Who Belong To God Must Do 

It really is that simple! We must not overcomplicate the desires of God when it comes to those who are in a right relationship with Him. Will you allow Paul to make four simple points that really sum up what those who belong to God will do. You can read it simply from your copy of God’s word in 1 Timothy 6:11-12. Oh yes, so much more could be said, but when the man of God is contrasted with the…

An Update from Your Elders

Texas Governor Abbott issued a mandate on Thursday for all Texans to wear a mask when out in public to help curb the increase in recent COVID-19 cases throughout the state. Our Westside elders “strongly recommend” members comply with the spirit of the Governor’s executive order in our assemblies out of concern for one another’s health as well as a desire to obey the laws of our state government. Your cooperation in this would be most appreciated. Children 10  and…