Church Blog (Page 17)

Church Blog (Page 17)

Getting the Picture

Although we may try to avoid them, some things in life simply are inevitable and irreversible. Things end. Things like one’s youth, one’s marriage and one’s life come to mind. And that’s exactly where Martha and Mary are with Lazarus. Their brother had been buried for four days (Jn. 11:17). His time on earth and his life were over – all hope was gone. Irreversible. The body of Lazarus likely would have begun to decompose (11:39). It’s not a picture…
Man stressed while working on laptop

Stress and Young People

Although there is some disagreement among experts as to precisely why, there is an abundance of evidence which indicates young people are experiencing a seemingly unprecedented level of stress. Psychologist Daniel Keating noted: “Depression, anxiety, and feeling overwhelmed are not all the same thing, but they do share a common feature: experiencing a level of stress that is beyond an ability to cope, with a negative impact on health and on the ability to function well in many situations” (Keating,…
Pensive businessman drinking coffee at workplace, thinking about new project

Proper Perspectives of Disciples

We have been challenged through the preaching of God’s Word by Brother John Baker to consider the price paid for our salvation and the motivation it should provide to us as disciples of Jesus Christ. The main points from his sermon last Tuesday evening need to be recorded and put in a place we can see them often. Here are seven perspectives that every disciple (follower, learner, or understudy) of Jesus needs to adopt:  1. A disciple believes he is…
A man crying

You, Your Struggles, and God

It’s not a question of if we’ll struggle and suffer; it’s a matter of when. That may be a reality we recognize in our lives, but it can be an altogether different matter when actually facing those times. How can we face our struggles with faith and strength in the Lord? (cf. Ephesians 6:10). How can we intentionally entrust our souls to a faithful God when we’re struggling? (cf. 1 Peter 4:19). How can we shine for our precious Lord…

Going From Abstract to Concrete

John 11:25-26 must be among the most comforting passages in all the Bible! Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” Of course, the context of these verses has to do with the death of Lazarus. Jesus especially talking to Martha at this moment. These verses are all about going from the abstract…

The Trials of Jesus

It is a passage often lost and perhaps given little thought, but in context is one of the biggest statements made by Jesus on the night He would be betrayed. Luke records these words of the Lord to His apostles in Luke 22:28, “But you are those who have continued with Me in My trials.” Jesus, in context, is teaching them about the greatness of being a servant. Greatness is found in humble service to God, but don’t let it…

My Greatest Command

The following words were pinned by a wonderful gospel preacher, Steve Higginbotham:  “A little more than 150 years ago, General Robert E. Lee was camped approximately 10 miles from General Stonewall Jackson. Lee sent a message to Stonewall Jackson, informing him that he wanted to meet with him at his convenience.  The very next morning, while Lee was eating his breakfast, Jackson appeared at his tent, prepared for their meeting. Lee asked Jackson, “What are you doing here? I didn’t…

A Strategy for Victory

A person who does not recognize the Devil, understand his schemes, and prepare for battle is already a casualty in the war going on for our souls (2 Cor. 2:11; 1 Pet. 5:8-9). How do we rise above our doubt, our discouragement, our indifference, our sin to walk worthy of our heavenly calling? (Phil. 3:14). God’s word gives us a powerful strategy for victory over Satan and his forces. (1) Recognize Victory Is Possible. Certainly the Devil is a powerful…

What God’s People Really Need

Outside of the Lord Himself, it seems no one instructs us more about how to pray for the church than the apostle Paul. We pray about things that are important and meaningful to us. And so does Paul in praying for the church. Thoughtful consideration should be given concerning what and how he prayed for God’s people. Let’s focus on just one example.  Paul closes 2 Thessalonians with the following wish and prayer: “Now may the Lord of peace himself…

God Bless Our Elders

A recent conversation got me thinking about how many elders I have worked with and under as a gospel preacher. After some memory jogging, the number I came up with was 67. A number of these men have gone to be with the Lord; still others are slowing down due to advancing years and health issues, but a fair number still are highly active and faithful in service to our Lord. As the faces of these men run through my…

It’s Just a Month Until PTP!

Last year over 5000 people attended. People came from 41 states in the U.S. and from 15 foreign countries. There was 1200 kids present between the ages of infant and 12. There were about 450 teens and 200 more college-age people who came. There were hundreds of elders, deacons, preachers and Bible Class teachers who attended. Thousands of Christians came together from all over the world for one purpose and goal: to glorify God and to focus on becoming more…

Settling the Score

Revenge, retaliation, to avenge, to get even – these are all synonyms for settling the score with someone who did us wrong. And pay-back can be sweet, can’t it? Often it’s not a matter of getting even when we’ve been hurt or mistreated, in our anger and pain we want to get ahead. One wonders how many marriages have been devastated, how many families have been divided and how many friendships have been broken because someone felt they had a…