Article (Page 12)
Six Words That Make All the Difference!
One doesn’t have to say much to say a lot, and in no case is this more true than of God Himself! The apostle Paul suffered from a “thorn” in the flesh (2 Corinthians 12:7). Scripture does not tell us precisely what Paul’s “thorn” was; however it was something Paul repeatedly pleaded with God to remove (verse 8). The reserve used in God’s word can be just as beautiful sometimes as what the Bible reveals. By not telling us exactly…
Remembering How to Walk
“Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving” (Colossians 2:6-7). Anything one adds to Jesus and His gospel subtracts from their beauty, sufficiency and preeminence. In other words, adding to Jesus and the gospel is really bad math! That’s exactly what Paul is dealing with in the book of Colossians. One finds in Jesus “all the treasures…
The Change Involved in Conversion
If one is to be saved (forgiven of their sins and in possession of hope of going to heaven) one must be converted. Hear the words of Jesus, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven,” (Matthew 18:3). The word ‘converted’ means to change or to turn. The desire of God is for all men everywhere to be converted – that is to change…
Please Pray for Our Country…
The elders wish to thank Mike for a thoughtful, powerful and timely message Sunday morning on what we can do for our country. We 100% support the message for it was directly from God’s word, I Timothy 2:1-4. We also appreciate the spirit in which it was given. We challenge the congregation for the next four weeks leading up to the election, to be on our knees daily, praying specifically for our country and its leaders. And after the election…
Eight Souls a Year
We find ourselves in a season of polling and we can take them for what they are worth. There was a statistic heard recently to bring to your attention that seems to hit very close to the mark. In a recent poll it was stated that the average congregation of the Lord’s church is baptizing eight souls per year. Of those eight, the majority are young people being raised in Godly homes of members of the same congregation. That means…
5 People You Need in Your World
We were made to crave relationships. We just seem to have in our DNA the desire to worship and the desire for community. What’s more – we all need people in our world who will help us along life’s way to better know, love and serve the true and living God. Some of those we encounter in life will be exceptionally close friends; others may just be someone we observed along the horizon at a critical moment. These individuals help…
Three Options
Don’t we all enjoy relationships? We have so many different relationships, no matter who we are in this life. In Romans 12, Paul addresses various relationships and responsibilities of the individuals involved in each one. As you look through the chapter, here is a simple break-down for your study and consideration: 1. Relationship with God (12:1-2) 2. Relationship to the talents given to us individually by God (12:3-8) 3. Relationship with other Christians (12:9-16) 4. Relationship with Non-Christians (12:17-21) Give…
Commitment 101
But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere (2 Corinthians 2:14) Few things in life are more needed in life than an appropriate sense of commitment. During times of discouragement and difficulty, how we need to focus on the priority, importance and place of commitment to Christ. Few passages explain the nature of commitment better than Paul’s words through the Holy Spirit…
Trusting Our Shepherd
So many people these days seem overwhelmed by fear, worry and anxiety. Everything seems so uncertain. Not even Christians are immune to feeling the strain of things. It’s amazing how David so long ago described life in Psalm 23. The Psalmist utilizes concepts like want (“I shall not want” due to my Shepherd ), weariness, hunger and thirst (The Lord provides “green pastures” and “still waters”), wandering (He “restores my soul”), journeying (“He leads me”), valleys (He’s with me even…
Let Us Not Lose Heart
It’s a great phrase, isn’t it? Let us not lose heart – consider it for a moment. There are six times in the New Testament where the admonishment is to not lost heart. In these six verses, we have God’s prescription for the blues. How does God prescribe picking ourselves up when feeling down and out? Please give some thought to each one on these passages. Pray always (Luke 18:1). If you turn to the passage, you will find these…
Prayer – Moving Forward on Our Knees
Surely the best way to move forward during difficult days is on our knees! One of the greatest blessings on earth for Christians is to be able to communicate with the God of heaven in prayer. There’s mercy and grace to be found at the throne of God (Heb. 4:14-16; 1 John 5:14-15). This coming Sunday (August 23), both of our services will especially be emphasizing prayer. Individually and congregationally, Christians ought to be known as people of prayer (Acts…
Greater Than We Ever Imagined
And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34). Surely the soldiers responsible for carrying out the Crucifixion of Jesus that day had never heard words like these before. They were probably accustomed to hearing curse words, protests of innocence and screams of agony but not words like these. Just after the nails had been placed in His hands and feet and as the Cross is placed in the ground, Jesus finally speaks. Look…