What Does Our Gospel Meeting Mean To You?

What Does Our Gospel Meeting Mean To You?

Our gospel meeting with John Gooch will be here in less than a month! (October 6-9). It appears that some believe gospel meetings serve no real purpose today. Perhaps it isn’t wise to do away with these special efforts so hastily. Could it possibly be that the lack of support for gospel meetings and other outreach efforts says more about our misplaced priorities than we would like to admit? While not trying to put anybody on a “guilt-trip” that may be a question that ’s worth pondering. What does our gospel meeting mean to you?

Does our gospel meeting mean an opportunity to grow in our Lord? We all should be concerned about growing “in the grace and knowledge” of Christ (2 Peter 3:18). We ought to long for God and his word as a baby longs for milk (1 Peter 2:2). How many babies turn down the opportunity to eat? They eat a lot, and they eat often!

Does our gospel meeting mean an opportunity to get our batteries recharged? It’s easy for even the very best of Christians to become weary, drained, and exhausted. Gospel meetings can be like a breath of fresh air! By drawing closer to God, his word, and our brethren we can find new strength and zeal to “fight the good fight of faith.”

Does our gospel meeting mean a special opportunity to reach out to the community? Certainly we should always try to reach our community with the precious message of Jesus (cf. Acts 5:42), but gospel meetings are special in that the entire congregation works together in an organized, united effort to reach out to our community.

Does our gospel meeting mean an opportunity to examine and evaluate our lives? Honest self-reflection is a must for Christians (2 Corinthians 13:5). Gospel meetings provide an important occasion for all of us to look at ourselves in the light of God’s word (James 1:21-27).

Does our gospel meeting mean an opportunity for fellowship? There is a wonderful spirit of sharing, companionship, and togetherness in being Christians (Romans 1:12). During gospel meetings, it’s wonderful to see brethren from neighboring congregations who attend and participate because they understand the preciousness of the relationship we share in Christ (1 John 1:7-9).

Does our gospel meeting mean an opportunity for getting into God’s book? We all may be sure that the speaker for our gospel meeting, will build up, challenge, stimulate, and even rebuke us as needed from God ’s word.

Few of us would turn down a good dinner invitation. Isn’t that exactly what a gospel meeting is? Our gospel meeting will be a wonderful time of worshiping God with our brothers and sisters. The Bible will be preached, and lives will be touched. When we think about what our gospel meeting means to us, it’s such an opportunity for us to show our love and support for the Lord and His church, it can’t be taken lightly! What does our gospel meeting mean to you?

-Mike Vestal


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