How to Help a Friend Get Better Into the Bible & Maybe Yourself Too!

How to Help a Friend Get Better Into the Bible & Maybe Yourself Too!

Recently I was asked by a godly shepherd how to encourage someone to really learn to love and get into Scripture. Here’s the first part of the response, given in the hope that it may help someone else too.

1. Approach the Bible God-Centeredly. The Bible is a book from God, about God and the relationship He wants to have from you. If the Bible really is from God, shouldn’t it deserve our thoughtful attention to its message? Shouldn’t we be at least as amazed by His word as we are by the world He created? (See Jeremiah 9:23-24; John 17:3).

2. Approach the Bible Completely. In other words, with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind and all your strength (See Mark 12:30). If that’s how we’re to love God personally, shouldn’t we respond to His communication by being “all in” too? A heartless, soul-less, mindless, energy-less approach to Scripture won’t do!

3. Approach the Bible Prayerfully. The word of God and prayer just go together (Acts 6:3-4). Approaching the Bible should lead to prayer and prayer should take us right back to the Bible. God speaks to us in Scripture and we talk to Him in prayer. There always ought to be healthy conversation between our Heavenly Father and us (See Matthew 7:7-11; James 1:5; Psalm 119:18, 36).

4. Approach the Bible Humbly. If we really believe numbers 1-3, this is a must, not merely an option. God graciously looks upon someone who is humble, contrite and deeply respects what He says (See Isaiah 66:2; James 1:17, 21). Pride looks down on God and others. As long as we’re looking down, it’s hard for us to humbly look up to God! (See James 4:6-10; 1 Peter 5:5).

5. Approach the Bible Desperately. By this it’s meant, like we’re hungry, needy and thirsty. Think of the Bible not just as “soulfood” (which it is) but as “survival food” and “superlative food” because God Himself prepared it (See Job 23:12; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 5:6; Colossians 3:16). Beware of a lack of desperation in your approach to God’s word!

-Mike Vestal


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