The Power of an Invitation

The Power of an Invitation

The Gospel is God’s power to save – Romans 1:16. The power to save is in the message, not in the messenger. We have an opportunity to invite friends, neighbors, and loved ones to hear the message of God’s word every week when we gather to worship. However, a special opportunity to hear the word of God proclaimed two weeks from now with our special sermon series on the topic of “Showers of Blessings.” It is a message that the world needs to hear. Who will you invite? Our responsibility is not to convert souls to Jesus, but allow them the opportunity to be converted to Jesus through study of the Bible.

In the first chapter of John, three invitations are extended. First, after meeting Jesus and hearing John the Baptizer speak of who He was, Andrew went to find his brother, Peter ( John 1:40-42). He simply told Peter, “We have found the Messiah,” and he brought him to Jesus. It seems to be easy enough, doesn’t it? Five words are recorded and Peter accepted the invitation. Second, Jesus extends an invitation to a man named, Philip. His words to Philip were simply, “Follow Me,” (John 1:43-44). Philip did follow Jesus and would be one of the 12 apostles who would remain with Jesus the rest of His days. John 1:45-46 lists a third invitation. This time, Philip would do the inviting to a man named, Nathanael. After telling Nathanael about finding Jesus and hearing a bit of rebuttal from a skeptic, the words of Philip were simply, “Come and see.”

These invitations consist of five, two, and three words, respectively. Please be reminded that great things would come from each of these invited and from the ones doing the inviting. The power is not in the one inviting, but in the message you are inviting others to hear. This is not a time to allow fear or anything of the world to interfere with the opportunity to invite or to hinder us from hearing a great message by a great man of God. Who will you ask to, “Come and See?”

– Adam Orr

Three Gardens


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