Posts from February 2020

Posts from February 2020

The Apostles’ Prayers

Consider two prayers that are offered by the apostles of Jesus in the book of Acts and what each has to say about their confidence in God. All prayers of Scripture are worthy of our study and are worthy of our imitation, let’s examine briefly these two prayers.  Acts 1:24-25 – God who knows all hearts.  Judas has betrayed Jesus and the Lord was crucified according to heaven’s plan. The eleven, being gathered together in Jerusalem according to the instructions…

Before Hitting Send 

Tweets, texts, emails, etc. – the amazing thing about social media is that it is so social. At some point, we’ve all probably sent emails and texts to people we never intended. In those messages, there may have been something they considered inappropriate or hurtful. There are others who seem to delight in using social media as an opportunity to blast, bash and tear down others. The blessing of being able to communicate with so many through social media can…
Heart in the hand

Living Out the Great Commandment

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is this, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these” (Mark 12:30-31). Outside of the Lord Himself, perhaps no one exhibited the balance involved in the great commandment more than the apostle Paul. Truly loving God with our all and loving neighbor as self are so…