Posts from February 2021

Posts from February 2021

Preparing to Live Forever

There are many great quotes that have come from various leaders and soldiers over the course of history that were meant to encourage those under their leadership. It has been said that during World War 2, there was one Marine Sgt. that looked at each of his men before leading them into enemy fire, he said, “Come on men, do you want to live forever?” He was telling them that life was going to end at some point. The question…

When You’re Tempted to Worry

Everyone has priorities and values; the real question is- in whom or what do we place them? It’s so easy to believe like a theist and to live like a deist. It’s easy to believe in the real and personal God of Scripture yet to live our life, at least at times, as though He’s distant, aloof, uninvolved and uncaring. In thinking like this worry can run rampant. Worry is a subtle temptation for so many of us, but it…

Following Him I Know I’m Right

It is one of clearest illustrations of God’s love for us in all of Scripture –God as our shepherd. Consider a brief overview of Psalm 23:1-3: Who is God called? He is called the Lord. “The Lord…” In the original Hebrew language we are given the name of God here, YHWH, Jehovah God. It is name given for God in other places spelled out as in Exodus 3:13-14, “I AM that I AM.” God has no beginning and no end,…