Posts from July 2023
Let Love Abound
Studying the prayers of Paul is a life transforming experience! Philippians 1:9-11, while brief, packs a great punch as Paul prays for the church at Philippi. The apostle continually prays (present tense) for them; he loves them as they are especially dear to his heart. To have brethren in our minds and hearts is wonderful – to have them also in our prayers is greater still. Notice four great elements in this prayer. This Prayer Emphasizes Abundant Love (1:9) “And…
What a Fellowship!
The word fellowship carries with it the idea of a common bond and commitment in Christ to the will, work and walk of God. There is a profound sense of identity (“a common bond and commitment”), belonging (“in Christ”) and participation and sharing (“to the will, work and walk of God). Fellowship is vertical – it involves God and us (1 John 1:3). But fellowship also is horizontal – it involves our relationship with other Christians (Acts 2:42; 1 John…
Teaching Children About God & Public Worship
One of the greatest joys and blessings of being a parent is being able to introduce your kids to God and to His worship and praise. What an amazing opportunity parents have! (see Proverbs 22:6). While introducing children to God and to His worship is an incredible privilege, it can also be quite a challenge. One young Christian couple jokingly referred to their life as Christians as “Worship B.C. and A.D.” – Before Children and After Diapers! It can be…