Article (Page 16)

Article (Page 16)

Settling the Score

Revenge, retaliation, to avenge, to get even – these are all synonyms for settling the score with someone who did us wrong. And pay-back can be sweet, can’t it? Often it’s not a matter of getting even when we’ve been hurt or mistreated, in our anger and pain we want to get ahead. One wonders how many marriages have been devastated, how many families have been divided and how many friendships have been broken because someone felt they had a…

The Nature of Marriage

“Let marriage be held in honor among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge” (Hebrews 13:4).  God Himself instituted marriage – it should, therefore, be our desire to encourage a view of marriage that reflects His design and intent for it.  After all, a high regard for marriage is an integral aspect of the pursuit of holiness among God’s people (cf. Hebrews 12:14; 1 Timothy 4:1-4).  The Greek expression for “held in honor” means “to…

What Does It Really Mean to be Faithful?

Is a person “faithful” merely because they have been immersed, have a pulse and show up at services with some frequency? Or is “faithfulness” an expression that can only be used of those who seem so good that they must be practically sinless? The question certainly is an important one since Scripture says, “Be faithful unto death and I will give you a crown of life” (Revelation 2:10). Yet way too much confusion seems to exist concerning this question. The…