What is the Gospel?

What is the Gospel?

It’s very important to understand the rich, deep nature of the gospel. Here’s 10 basic components of the gospel according to Scripture

1. The Gospel is an Announcement. The God of Heaven wants to Have a Relationship with Every Human Being (Luke 2:9-14; 1Timothy 2:4).

2. The Gospel is a Person – Jesus Christ. He is the long-awaited Anointed One, King and Savior (Matthew 1:18-25).

3. The Gospel is a Divine Plan / Mission To Save (Ephesians 3:9-11; 2 Timothy 1:9-10; Titus 1:2).

4. The Gospel is an Event. God came to earth as Godman (John 1:1-18; Philippians 2:6-8).

5. The Gospel is an Achievement. Something was accomplished by Jesus’ coming, death on the Cross and resurrection that we could NOT accomplish on our own (Romans 5:1-11; 1 Corinthians 15:1-4).

6. The Gospel is an Offer. It is an offer of grace, forgiveness, salvation, joy and peace in Christ (Ephesians 2:1-18).

7. The Gospel is a Response. It involves the biblical answer to the question, “What must I do to be saved?” (Acts 2:36-47; 16:30-34; 22:16; Romans 6:3-6).

8. The Gospel is a Relationship. It restores, unites and brings us to God (1 Peter 3:18).

9. The Gospel is a Way of Life. See Galatians 2:1-14 and Philippians 1:27.

10. The Gospel is Joyful Exultation and Praise to the God Who made it all possible (Ephesians 1:6, 12, 14).

-Mike Vestal


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