Posts by Westside Church of Christ (Page 9)

Posts by Westside Church of Christ (Page 9)

The Power of God’s Word

Our words carry great power! With our words we can encourage and build up, speak with love and compassion and with our words we can just as easily discourage and tear down. If you are an average person, you speak between 125 and 150 words per minute. There is great power on display every time our mouths open. That is why the Bible spends so much time referring to the tongue of man and the responsibility to harness its power…

The Knees of the Soul

That’s what humility has been called – “the knees of the soul.” Faith and humility not only go together; they ought not be separated from each other! Proverbs 3:34 says the Lord is scornful to the scorners, “but to the humble He gives favor.” We all wrestle, at least occasionally, with pride. And Christians must understand that we face few enemies so formidable. Here’s the reason. We can’t be full of ourselves and full of God at the same time.…

Pursuing Edification

The people of God are to be known by their love, their light, and their being the salt of the earth (John 13:35; Matthew 5:13-16). How we conduct ourselves says much about our spiritual health. What we are really desiring to pursue in this life, God says, has much to do with our relationship with Him. Consider the words of Paul to the church in Rome in Romans 14:19, “Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and…

The Relationship of Death and Sin

It is the gospel of Luke that gives us the most information surrounding three crosses on Calvary (Luke 23:32-49). Jesus was crucified in the middle of two criminals. Holy Writ gives few details of the circumstances leading to the criminal’s demise, but we are given in the three crosses four pictures that show the relationship between death and sin. Death because of sin. This picture is seen in the two thieves. The Garden of Eden must have truly been an…

Edifying One Another

It is unfortunate that the word “edification” is a term that’s fallen into disuse. Every thoughtful Christian should recognize that God’s people should strengthen each other spiritually and build up one another in the faith (Ephesians 4:16). That’s what biblical edification is. For one thing, it’s a natural outgrowth of evangelism – when people come to Jesus in faith, repentance and baptism, they need additional attention, nurturing and instruction to continue growing in Christ (see 2 Peter 1:5-11; 3:17-18). For…

False Teaching 101

It is fascinating in studying the book of Colossians to notice, that while some form of false teaching was threatening the church, Paul repeatedly stresses the preeminence and sufficiency of Jesus and His gospel. While some description is given concerning the nature of the error affecting the church, the exact problem never is completely spelled out. Its precise identity eludes us. However, by emphasizing Jesus and His gospel as Paul does, the church would have everything needed to combat error…