A God Who Says What He Means And Means What He Says
The Westside family mourns this week in the passing of a faithful brother, Jim Powell. In the leading of a public prayer, it was not uncommon for him to use the sentence used in the title of this article. He was thankful to have a God who would, “Say what He means and means what He says.” When he said it, the words might have brought a wry smile to your face, but the more thought that is given, it…
Our Deepest Sympathy to the Family of Jim Powell
Our deepest sympathy is extended to Diane Powell and family in the passing of Jim last Sunday morning. Jim and Diane have faithfully worshiped and served at Westside for years and have been most appreciated for their sweet spirits and servants’ hearts. For years Jim served as one of our deacons and especially excelled in the area of benevolence. A Visitation will be held at Nalley Pickle Welch Funeral Home in Midland this Thursday from 5-7 PM. The funeral service…
The Gospel and the Common Man
It is one of the simplest of all statements made in the New Testament. The words at the end of Mark 12:37, “And the common people heard Him gladly.” Jesus did not come to be heard by the elite, the rich, or the famous. Jesus came to be heard and listened to by the common. The gospel is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek (Romans 1:16). The…
How’s Your Garden?
This is a season in which many of us are growing flowers, vegetables and fruit. Out in the desert of west Texas where I live, this can be both delightful and challenging. We average only about 13 inches of rain per year and the scorching sun can easily burn tender plants. A significant amount of soil preparation often has to be done in order for many types of fruit and vegetables to survive. A spiritual application to the question, “How’s…
A Mother For The Ages
Not all will recall the name of the woman who bore Aaron, Miriam, and Moses, but Jochebed is a mother for the ages. As we prepare to honor our mothers this week, consider three descriptions of this mother for ages and let us appreciate all mothers who strive to meet them. A mother prepares for her children’s safety. Before the birth of Moses, the instruction was given for all newborn boys to be cast into the river (Exodus 1:22). The…
First Things First
Everyone has priorities, values and ambition. The real question is, “In what and in whom have we placed them?” The answer really is not all that difficult. Self is either sovereign or the Savior is. When God and His will are NOT our greatest desire and pursuit, the Lord gets crowded out. It is so easy for OUR ego, OUR comfort, OUR status, OUR desires and OUR stuff to be the controlling interest of our lives. Jesus, however, shatters such…
The Nature Of God’s Nature
He was called to condemn, but in the end, he could only bless! Yes, the prophet of God was called to curse the people of God, to put an end the threat they posed to their enemy, but the prophet of God could only pronounce a blessing. We read the familiar account in Numbers 22-24. The prophet is named Balaam and he is called by the king of the Moabites, Balak, to pronounce a curse on God’s people. They were…
Family Life During a Pandemic
Or – How to Juggle Your Job, God-Time, Cooking, Cleaning, Teaching Your Kids & Refereeing During a Crisis It may be just me (and I know it isn’t), but I’ve never prayed for my family more than during this COVID-19 Pandemic. Social distancing and so many working from home, not to mention those who have lost their jobs, have made this time especially stressful – and the stress has probably been exhibited at your house. If it hasn’t, you’re either…
Lessons from the Good Samaritan
I wonder what the Lord would offer by way of advice for His people through the days we are experiencing. Consider the parable in Luke 10 for some good instruction from the Master. The parable is familiar, but if you need some refreshment, please read Luke 10:25-27. Some observations to be made: Don’t be a robber – The robbers stripped him of his clothing, beat him, and left him half-dead. We have certainly seen our fair share of people with…
Jesus – Our Peace
For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace, and might reconcile us both to God in one body through the cross, thereby killing the hostility. And he came and preached peace to you who were far off and…
Walking In Christ
It has been said that the book of Ephesians focuses on the church of Christ, while the book of Colossians focuses on the Christ of the church. So many great truths about the Lord are found and expressions that help us to understand and see the blessings that are found in Him. In Colossians 2:6, Paul writes, “As you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him. As these to whom Paul was writing had obeyed the…
From Mike’s Desk
What’s Westside doing during the pandemic? That is a good question! Here’s just a few things. (1). Our shepherds put a great deal of thought and prayer on how to best respond as a congregation to the threat of COVID-19 virus. There has been, and continues to be, a tremendous concern on their part for God and His word, for complying with the laws of the land and for the safety of every member of the Westside church. Just as…