Church Blog (Page 4)

Church Blog (Page 4)

“Living Godly”

That’s the theme of our upcoming Gospel Meeting with Carl McCann, and it will be here before we know it (October 22-25). I hope you’re praying about, inviting others to and planning to actively and faithfully participate in, this special effort. Carl is a wonderful Christian brother who will do his part and more in encouraging us to be people of greater love and godliness. “Godliness” can be defined as loving devotion to God characterized by a life of conformity…

Baptism is a Call and an Answer

Remember when phones were really not that smart? It still boggles the mind to think that through a ‘land line’ numbers could be dialed and voices could be heard with great clarity on opposing sides of the country and even the world. This writer is certainly not an expert on how those ‘old-fashioned’ phones worked, and certainly not on the computers in our pockets today. However, to try to explain to a young person now that all phones in the…

What is the Gospel?

It’s very important to understand the rich, deep nature of the gospel. Here’s 10 basic components of the gospel according to Scripture – 1. The Gospel is an Announcement. The God of Heaven wants to Have a Relationship with Every Human Being (Luke 2:9-14; 1Timothy 2:4). 2. The Gospel is a Person – Jesus Christ. He is the long-awaited Anointed One, King and Savior (Matthew 1:18-25). 3. The Gospel is a Divine Plan / Mission To Save (Ephesians 3:9-11; 2…

One Body

Jesus promised to build His church in Matthew 16:18 and after Acts 2, the Lord’s body refers to the church He promised to build (Ephesians 1:22-23). How many churches (bodies) does Jesus have? Allow the Bible to answer the question, “Is one church as good as another?” by looking to just the times a number is given with the word ‘body’ following Acts 2. Romans 12:4-5 – For as we have many members in one body, but all the members…

Prayer for America (Part #2)

(Note from Mike: This is a prayer prayed during PTP a few weeks ago. It was prayed by Sam Dilbeck, who preaches for the University congregation in San Marcos. I thought it was one of the finest prayers for our nation that I have ever heard. I sought his permission to share it with you. See last week’s article for the beginning of the prayer). Oh God and Father, Oppression also presses on your people from all sides. Selfishness and…

Prayer for America (Part #1)

(Note from Mike – The following prayer was offered at PTP a few week’s back by Sam Dilbeck, the preacher for the University church in San Marcos. I think you will find it to be one of the finest prayers of its type that you may have ever heard or read). Holy Father, Creator, Giver, Sustainer of life, Thank you for the beauty of this land you have shared with us from the Smokies to the Rockies to the beaches…

So You Want To Go To Heaven?

I just want to go to heaven. I say it often and I really try to remind myself of these words all the time; boil it all down and through Jesus I know that I just want to go to heaven. Like you, I have known many through the years who just wanted to go to heaven. However, they had things come up in their lives and they found themselves drifting away from God. How can we ensure that we…

Commitment 101

But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere (2 Corinthians 2:14). Few things in life are more needed in life than an appropriate sense of commitment. During times of discouragement and difficulty, how we need to focus on the priority, importance and place of commitment to Christ. Few passages explain the nature of commitment better than Paul’s words through the Holy Spirit…

Let Love Abound

Studying the prayers of Paul is a life transforming experience! Philippians 1:9-11, while brief, packs a great punch as Paul prays for the church at Philippi. The apostle continually prays (present tense) for them; he loves them as they are especially dear to his heart. To have brethren in our minds and hearts is wonderful – to have them also in our prayers is greater still. Notice four great elements in this prayer. This Prayer Emphasizes Abundant Love (1:9) “And…

What a Fellowship!

The word fellowship carries with it the idea of a common bond and commitment in Christ to the will, work and walk of God. There is a profound sense of identity (“a common bond and commitment”), belonging (“in Christ”) and participation and sharing (“to the will, work and walk of God). Fellowship is vertical – it involves God and us (1 John 1:3). But fellowship also is horizontal – it involves our relationship with other Christians (Acts 2:42; 1 John…

Teaching Children About God & Public Worship

One of the greatest joys and blessings of being a parent is being able to introduce your kids to God and to His worship and praise. What an amazing opportunity parents have! (see Proverbs 22:6). While introducing children to God and to His worship is an incredible privilege, it can also be quite a challenge. One young Christian couple jokingly referred to their life as Christians as “Worship B.C. and A.D.” – Before Children and After Diapers! It can be…

A Powerful Preacher

“God, please help me to be more like Apollos!” A thoughtful statement and request that all should be willing to make in their prayers to our heavenly Father. The Holy Spirit wants us to know about a man who did so much good for the sake of Jesus and His kingdom. The following is a description of Apollos in Acts 18:24-25, “Now a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man and mighty in the Scriptures, came to…