Article (Page 11)

Article (Page 11)

Surrounded By Trouble – Yet Secure

Psalm 91 is a powerful reminder that REAL safety and security are ultimately only found in God. It is a psalm of trust that, along with Psalm 46, is in a class all its own. The story of our faith is written in the names of God in the first two verses of Psalm 91. He’s the “Most High” (Genesis 14:18-22; 17:1; 43:14 ). He is the God greater than all – the God of the Patriarchs! He’s also the…

Preparing to Live Forever

There are many great quotes that have come from various leaders and soldiers over the course of history that were meant to encourage those under their leadership. It has been said that during World War 2, there was one Marine Sgt. that looked at each of his men before leading them into enemy fire, he said, “Come on men, do you want to live forever?” He was telling them that life was going to end at some point. The question…

When You’re Tempted to Worry

Everyone has priorities and values; the real question is- in whom or what do we place them? It’s so easy to believe like a theist and to live like a deist. It’s easy to believe in the real and personal God of Scripture yet to live our life, at least at times, as though He’s distant, aloof, uninvolved and uncaring. In thinking like this worry can run rampant. Worry is a subtle temptation for so many of us, but it…

Following Him I Know I’m Right

It is one of clearest illustrations of God’s love for us in all of Scripture –God as our shepherd. Consider a brief overview of Psalm 23:1-3: Who is God called? He is called the Lord. “The Lord…” In the original Hebrew language we are given the name of God here, YHWH, Jehovah God. It is name given for God in other places spelled out as in Exodus 3:13-14, “I AM that I AM.” God has no beginning and no end,…

Edifying One Another

It is unfortunate that the word “edification” is a term that’s fallen into disuse. Every thoughtful Christian should recognize that God’s people should strengthen each other spiritually and build up one another in the faith (Ephesians 4:16). That’s what biblical edification is. For one thing, it’s a natural outgrowth of evangelism – when people come to Jesus in faith, repentance and baptism, they need additional attention, nurturing and instruction to continue growing in Christ (see 2 Peter 1:5-11; 3:17-18). For…

Is There a Limit?

After the question meant to entrap Jesus was asked, “Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?” (Matthew 22:17); Jesus responded with these words, “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s,” (Matthew 22:21). To ‘render’ might be best understood with the phrase, ‘pay back,’ or even with the word, ‘owe.’ Yes, there are things that all people of a nation or country owe to those who are in…

The Power of God’s Word

In the Bible there are frequent references to the power of God’s word. Just focusing on a few of these can be valuable encouragement for helping us understand that God and His word cannot only get us through anything and everything this world throws at us, but God and His word can safely carry us through into eternity (1 Peter1:23-25; Matthew 24:35). God’s word is like a Sword (Ephesians 6:17; Hebrews 4:12). It cuts through lies, confusion and subterfuge to…

Choosing What’s Better

Almost everywhere we turn today we are exposed to the idea that having is the key to happiness. After all, more and bigger are always better. A bigger and better house, car, computer, education, job, bank account, etc. – that’s what is needed for happiness. Christians should be thankful for and enjoy all of God’s blessings (1 Tim. 6:17-19). Life is a stewardship, a sacred trust, and we should manage all of God’s good gifts with love and wisdom (Luke…

Manaen – An Unlikely Teacher?

His name is mentioned exactly one time in all of Scripture. Yet, we know the Holy Spirit saw fit for it be included in Holy Writ for nothing is included or excluded by accident. When listing obscure names in the Bible, even the best of Bible students might have overlooked the name, Manaen. The one time we read of this man in the Bible, this is what we read, “Now there were in the church at Antioch prophets and teachers,…

7 Ways to Enrich Your Word Power

How’s your intake? Most believers are aware that Scripture admonishes us to, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly with all wisdom” (Colossians 3:16). We know Jesus said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). We must appreciate there’s a variety of rich ways to take in God’s word. When it comes to Bible intake – to internalizing God’s word and making it a part…

When Jesus Marveled

That the Son of God marveled is in itself a marvel! The Lord’s work in creation, salvation and providence ought to cause all humanity to marvel and be awe-struck! (Psalm 8; 19:1; Acts 14:17; Revelation 5:8-14). In a world that’s too easily “amazed” in some ways and not enough in others, there’s a place for restoring the biblical doctrine of amazement. The people of God must not suffer from blindness and “awe amnesia” when it comes to contemplating the wonders…

Short But Sweet

“Praise the Lord all nations! Extol him, all peoples! For great is his steadfast love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever, Praise the Lord!” (Psalm 117). Psalm 117 might be titled, “Pure Praise.” Consisting of only two verses, it is a tribute to the beauty of brevity, to the wise man’s general exhortation to “let your words be few” (Ecclesiastes 5:2). Although the shortest chapter not just in Psalms but in all of Scripture, it’s large…