Posts by Westside Church of Christ (Page 3)

Posts by Westside Church of Christ (Page 3)

What a Fellowship!

The word fellowship carries with it the idea of a common bond and commitment in Christ to the will, work and walk of God. There is a profound sense of identity (“a common bond and commitment”), belonging (“in Christ”) and participation and sharing (“to the will, work and walk of God). Fellowship is vertical – it involves God and us (1 John 1:3). But fellowship also is horizontal – it involves our relationship with other Christians (Acts 2:42; 1 John…

Teaching Children About God & Public Worship

One of the greatest joys and blessings of being a parent is being able to introduce your kids to God and to His worship and praise. What an amazing opportunity parents have! (see Proverbs 22:6). While introducing children to God and to His worship is an incredible privilege, it can also be quite a challenge. One young Christian couple jokingly referred to their life as Christians as “Worship B.C. and A.D.” – Before Children and After Diapers! It can be…

A Powerful Preacher

“God, please help me to be more like Apollos!” A thoughtful statement and request that all should be willing to make in their prayers to our heavenly Father. The Holy Spirit wants us to know about a man who did so much good for the sake of Jesus and His kingdom. The following is a description of Apollos in Acts 18:24-25, “Now a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man and mighty in the Scriptures, came to…

Showing the Love of Christ

John 3:16 describes the love of God in giving us Jesus. 1 John 3:16 elevates the LOVE and the sacrifice of the Lord in that it challenges all who would read it to emulate the Lord’s great example in sacrificial LOVE. – We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. Consider 3 points from this powerful passage. 1. KNOWING LOVE- “We know love by…

The Power to Change Character

In his letter to the churches of Galatia, Paul is addressing Christians in a very personal and direct way. In chapter one, he marveled they were turning away so soon from him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel (Galatians 1:6). In chapter four he says, “I am afraid for you, lest I have labored in vain,” (4:11); and directly, “I have doubts about you,” (4:20). The fear these were going to continue down a…

The Praise Principle

There’s no doubt about it: What we prize, we praise. Whether we’re talking about our spouse, our children, our favorite sports team, our favorite restaurant or our God, it ’s true. It cannot be said that we ever can praise Got too much, but it surely is possible to praise Him too little. And that ’s something the people of God should seriously contemplate. In Psalm 34 David finds himself in the land of the Philistines (See 1 Samuel 21-22).…

How to Damage Any Relationship (Including One With God)

In Ephesians 4:17-32 Paul through the Holy Spirit tells us what relationships look like when the will of God is loved and pursued. The passage also identifies 7 tendencies we might have to do great damage to relationships. These tendencies are crucial both to consider and to avoid. (1) The Tendency Toward Self-Indulgence. Relationships become all about what I want and what pleases me. People are “used” to serve the desires of the ones who makes a god out of…

Commitment 101

But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere (2 Corinthians 2:14).   Few things in life are more needed in life than an appropriate sense of commitment. During times of discouragement and difficulty, how we need to focus on the priority, importance and place of commitment to Christ. Few passages explain the nature of commitment better than Paul’s words through the Holy…

Following the Leader

“As the soldier follows his general, as the servant follows his master, as the pupil follows his teacher, as the sheep follows his shepherd, just so the Christian ought to follow Jesus” (J. C. Ryle). The term “disciple” basically means, “a learner, a follower, an understudy or apprentice.” The basic expressions occur approximately 270 times in the New Testament (but only in the Gospel accounts and book of Acts; it does not occur in the letters). In a way discipleship…

Walking Alone At Eve

Thomas R. Sweatmon was born in 1876, possibly in Georgia. The truth is, there is very little information we know about him. He died in 1969 and is buried in Marionetta, Georgia. We know the year of his birth and the of his death, but not a lot is known about what happened in between. The little we do know is that he was an exceptional poet. It is told that he taught in singing-schools and loved to write songs.…

“If These Walls Could Talk”

“If these walls could talk” is a way of speaking about a particular place where important or interesting events have transpired. Another way of putting it is “God only knows” all the things that have occurred in the place. For sure, there’s a place like that right here in Midland, TX. As a matter of fact it’s located on Brazos, only a couple of blocks from where Cherie and I live. While I doubt the History Channel will ever trace…

God’s People and Respect of Persons

James 2 is a chapter well-known and respected by Christians because of its discussion of faith and works (cf. 2:14-26). In that section of Scripture, faith that doesn’t express itself in outward action is “no good” and “can’t save” (vs. 14), “dead” (vs. 17), “useless” (vs. 20) and “as the body apart from the spirit is dead, even so is faith without works” (vs. 26). There can be no living of a life well pleasing in the sight of God…