Posts by Westside Church of Christ (Page 6)

Posts by Westside Church of Christ (Page 6)

True Riches

The standard of the world in regards to wealth and riches is so much different than the standards of God. The world says that riches are measured in bank accounts, the size of the house, or the amount of other material possessions. God has always asked His people to consider how true wealth is measured. Consider three verses near the beginning of Proverbs 22. Proverbs 22:1 – “A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, loving favor…

The Joy of Humble Service

From the depths of prison, the Apostle Paul was able to pen one of the most encouraging epistles known to man. It was a letter to Christians and their need to always rejoice in the salvation they had in Christ. In Philippians 2 specifically, we are given the picture of the joy that comes from humble service. It should come as no surprise that Paul would turn to the captain of our salvation as the ultimate example of humble service.…

You, Your Struggles & God

It’s not a question of if we’ll struggle and suffer; it’s a matter of when. That may be a reality we recognize in our lives, but it can be an altogether different matter when actually facing those times. How can we face our struggles with faith and strength in the Lord? (cf. Ephesians 6:10). How can we intentionally entrust our souls to a faithful God when we’re struggling? (cf. 1 Peter 4:19). Here are four rock-solid principles from God’s word…

Persecutor to Preacher

A single event is recorded three times in the book of Acts – the Holy Spirit wanted us to not miss its significance! The conversion of Saul of Tarsus can be read in Acts chapters 9, 22, and 26. Of interest, Acts 9 is given through the perspective of one who was not there, but accurately provides details of the event. In Acts 22 and 26, the perspective is first-hand, re-told by Paul himself, and tells exactly what happened and…

Giving Thanks & Living It Too

Christians should believe in BOTH Thanksgiving and in Thanks-Living. Our saying of thanks should genuinely be accompanied by our thinking, feeling and expression of it too. Maybe the following Scriptures will be a marvelous incentive in helping us to better possess the attitude of gratitude. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits (Psalm 103:2) What shall I render to the LORD for all his benefits to me? (Psalm 116:12) Give thanks to the LORD, for…

One Generation

All it takes is one generation. One generation was there and witnessed the awesome power of God in parting the waters of the Red Sea. One generation witnessed the backing up of the Jordan River when entrance was granted by God into the Promised Land. One generation followed Joshua all of his days. One generation knew Joshua and the mighty works of God and they served the Lord. However, one generation later, there arose a generation who did not know…

What a Fellowship!

Our Gospel Meeting with Jeff Jenkins begins on October 27. We want non-Christian guests to see and feel the relationship to be found in God’s family. And we want members of sister congregations to find love, trust and peace here too! The word fellowship carries with it the idea of a common bond and commitment in Christ to the will, work and walk of God. There is a profound sense of identity (“a common bond and commitment”), belonging (“in Christ”)…

What Does Our Gospel Meeting Mean to You?

Our gospel meeting with Jeff Jenkins is almost here! It occurs on October 27-30. Perhaps to some people gospel meetings are nothing more than a tradition or formality. It appears that some are willing to discard such efforts, to nail the coffin shut, because they believe gospel meetings serve no real purpose today. Perhaps it isn’t wise to do away with such special efforts so hastily. Could it be that the lack of support by brethren for gospel meetings and…

Things That Save

Few matters can be more important than what God’s word says about salvation. When one considers the richness of what the New Testament has to say about this theme, all a person can do is express awe and wonder at the matchless mind and marvelous provision of God! Who and what saves according to the teaching of Scripture? • God the Father (1 Peter 1:3-4). • Jesus (Luke 19:10; 1 Timothy 1:15). • The Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:11). •…


Give thought for a moment to the word, ‘consider.’ Consider carries with it the idea of contemplation, focus, or thinking upon a certain subject. The word is found many times throughout the Bible, notice just three examples of when we find this word and the need we see to pause and do some thinking. Consider the wondrous works of God – Job 37:14-24. Pause to contemplate how great He is! These words were spoken by the youngest of Job’s ‘friends,’…

Relationships 101 (From Philemon)

How does brotherly love really work? How does it work in situations of extraordinary tension and difficulty? The book of Philemon is a model of Christian friendship, of forgiveness, of both tact and diplomacy on one hand and of contact and straightforwardness on the other. Philemon is all about “the fine art of Christian relationships.” Keywords include “accept” and “receive,” “appeal” and “encourage, “grace” and “joy” along with the word “love.” Here are just a few of the incredible relationship…

Begging Jesus

There are a number of times in the gospel accounts that individuals are found begging Jesus. They came to Him with strong imploring. They came with a strong desire for Him to do certain things for them. Consider some great lessons we can learn by looking to occasions when people came begging Jesus. Begging Jesus to leave Matthew, Mark, and Luke all record the miracle of Jesus healing the man who was possessed by a multitude of demons. In combing…